Calling type(foo)
returns the actual class object of
which foo
is an instance (that is, not foo’s class’s
name (a string), but rather the actual class object).
type(3) # => int
type(3.1) # => float
type('hi') # => str
type([1, 2]) # => list
type((5, 7)) # => tuple
type({'a': 1}) # => dict
type({8, 9}) # => set
def f(x):
type(f) # => function
type(max) # => builtin_function_or_method
import sys
type(sys) # => module
Note that although you usually capitalize the names of your own types/classes, by Python convention those built-in types above are all named lowercase.
Ints automatically widen to floats. To convert between other types, pass the object to the new type’s constructor.
3 + 1.0 # => 4.1 (a float)
3 + '1' # throws TypeError
3 + int('1') # => 4
str(3) + '1' # => '31'