Some Misc Notes

Some Miscellaneous LaTeX

Note, if you’re converting directly to pdf, you can put in raw LaTeX commands anywhere, but not if you’re converting to html. When converting to html, LaTeX commands can only go in $...$ and $$...$$.

Some misc syntax:

\mathcal{E}       % for EMF, like U+0190 Ɛ

N$\cdot$m         % N·m

V_{\text{back}}   % text in subscript

% If you want equations to be numbered, rather than
% using $$a = b + c$$, use:
a = b + c

% align equations (centered, aligned on =)
a &= b + c\\
a^2+b^2 &= c^2\\
\theta &= 2\pi

% larger parens (auto-sized)
\left( \frac{2\pi\;\text{rad}}{1\;\text{rev}} \right)

\to                 % same as \rightarrow

\boxed{a = b}       % box an equation

\mathbf{v}          % vector
\mathbf{\hat{x}}    % unit vector


2.5 \times 10^{-4}  % scientific notation

When going straight to pdf, these might be useful:

\pagenumbering{gobble} % at top of document

